Toro parts
RDM Parts offers affordable, high-quality parts for Toro machinery, including mowers, aerators, bunker rakes, and transporters. Our parts fit various models, providing reliable performance and cost-effective solutions for maintenance needs.
Parts that fit your Toro machinery
Toro is a market leader when it comes to the manufacturing of machinery for the maintenance of gardens, parks, public green spaces, sports fields and golf courses. The brand offers a wide range of equipment for various applications. Because of the innovation user- and maintenance friendliness Toro machines are found around the world.
Since original parts are often expensive, RDM parts provides a cheaper alternative that fits Toro machines. You can save a lot on maintenance costs and spare parts costs if you choose for parts from RDM Parts. It is convenient to look at your part in the parts books, manuals or instructions from the supplier. Or you can see what model our parts fit on our website. If you need help finding the right component or product, our product specialists will be happy to help you.
RDM Parts is not only a supplier of non-original products, but also produces and improves parts. This has brought forward a number of products that are long lasting because of different and more durable materials used. For example our shafts and protective plates.
That there are so many Toro mowers on the world, this has to do with the different types of mowers Toro has. These can be put to work almost anywhere and in any condition. That does not mean that each mower can be used anywhere. There are mowers that really belong in a garden or that are specifically designed for golf courses.
Toro Fairway Mowers
As the name says, you use these mowers on the fairway area of the golf course. Because the grass is cut a little higher, the cages are often larger. Toro manufactures various fairway mowers under the Reelmaster series. The smallest fairway mowers from the collection of Toro are those of the type 3100 and the largest type 6700. Only the smallest types have 3 reels, the big ones have 5 or more.
Toro hand greensmowers
Hand Green mowers are the smallest form of commercial mowers. They are used for mowing the green on the golf course. This requires that there is a small cage on the mower with a low height of cut to cut the grass very short. Green Mowers, including hand greens mowers are among the Greenmaster series of Toro. The greens mower models have the numbers 800 to 2100. Above this type numbers are the Toro riding greens mowers.
Toro riding greens mowers
The greens mowers go on in a series of riding greens mowers. These mowers are able to mow a larger area because they have more reels. The mower does not rely on man power anymore. And that is also profitable. Green Master series continues with model numbers 3150 to 3420 when it comes to riding mowers. Yet even these mowers are tuned for a very low cutting height because these mowers are also mowing the greens of the golf course.
Toro Roughmaaiers
For the rugged portions of the golf course there is the rough mower. Because the grass may be higher here, the mower do not need to mow as precise as on the greens. Moreover, the cages are bigger because they get coarser material and other kinds grasses to mow. A rough mower does not necessarily have to be a reel mower, but may also be a rotary mower. Depending on the desired result. . The series of rough mowers from Toro is called Ground Master, with model numbers 3400 to 5910.
Toro aerators
However, Toro has become known not only by merely selling mowers. In addition to cutting the grass, they also produce machines for the care of the grass. An aerator is a good example of such a machine. The aerator has several metal pins that are punched into the ground at high speed. The machines are found in the Pro-core series. Depending on the types of aerating pins there are different types of holes pricked in the ground. These holes ensure that air and water can easily get through the top layer of dirt. So the nutrients reach the roots more easily, and that is reflected in how healthy the grass is.
Toro Bunkerrakes / Bunkerharken
These Sandpro as Toro has named them, ensure that the bunker is nice and tidy again after a golf match. The bunkerrakes are small vehicles on large wheels that give much traction as they have to tidy the bunker. By raking or with the use of mats, the machines will erase all tracks in the sand bunker. Thus, the golf course looks elegant again for the next group. Besides the maintenance of the bunkers, the machine can also be used for all sorts of jobs.
Toro reel mowers
For the greener choices are different than the greens keeper of the golf courses. The mowing work is often somewhat less precise when it comes to the cutting height. However, the grass of the fields must be nicely cut. For these applications, Toro has a number of mowers, including the Ground Master Series and the Reel Master series. In addition to this series also has the brand the CT, LT, and T TM series. The TM Series is powered PTO and towed by a tractor.
Rotary mowers Toro
Toro rotary mowers are the workhorses of the municipal landscape maintenance. All mowers in this category are covered by the Ground Master Series. The mowers have the option to mount different knives underneath which provide a different cutting pattern. The machines can be equipped with different types of cabs and other options that conform to the needs of the user. Thus, the machine can be used throughout the year.
Toro transporters
The working vehicle of the brand are covered by the workman series. These machines can be used for various activities. This is accomplished by the options that can be mounted on the vehicle. There are different versions including 4 wheel drive vehicles, electric vehicles and vehicles with and without a roll bar. Special suspension ensures that the machines are stable on uneven terrain.