Fleetguard Engine Oil Filters
Motoroliefilters Fleetguard, Donaldson, Parker & MAN passend voor Toro, Hayter, John Deere, Ransomes, Jacobsen, Ryan en Cushman
Motor oil filters
A Professional mowing machine encounters some wear and tear during its operational time. Take, for instance, all the grass and dirt particles that it has to deal with on a daily basis. These miniscule parts have an enormous impact on the way the machine operates. That’s why it is so important to regularly change the filters of your machine. You prevent damaging materials from reaching the vital parts of the machine.
Motor oil filters
The residue that forms during combustion is eventually extracted by the motor oil. In this oil a soot concentrate is slowly building up. The oil filter cleans the oil from this soot and other impurities. In that way the engine only comes into touch with clean oil that cleans the engine.
Regularly exchange your motor oil filters
If made correctly, a good maintenance schedule states when to replace the filters. Usually this is measured in the amount of hours the machine has worked. Every type of filter and machine is different. Our product specialists will gladly help you with advice concerning the replacement of filters and the making of a maintenance schedule for your machinery. An old filter can negatively impact your machines.