Shaft- long - rear roller
Product number: | R112-5266 |
Manufacturer | R&R Products |
Replaces original
Toro: | 112-5266 |
Technical details
Suitable for brand: | Toro |
Suitable for machine: | Toro Groundsmaster 3500-D, Toro Groundsmaster 3500-G, Toro Groundsmaster 3505-D, Toro Groundsmaster 4500-D, Toro Groundsmaster 4700-D |
Product type: | Shafts |
Weight: | 1 kg |
Machine part R112-5266 is a from our big online parts assortment. In this assortment you will find non-original parts and fitting alternatives. Service is important to us so if you have any questions about a part or machine, you can always ask us for advice.
for Toro
Machine parts come in all kind of forms and sizes. Having a parts manual ready to check if the part you found truly fits your Toro machine is handy. This manual schematically shows which part goes where on the machine, with a handy list of all parts that are in there. Before the purchase, make sure the part number in the manual and our part number closely match. If there is a close match, it will be highly likely that it is a part that fits for the machine. If you have any questions about the part ask them to our parts specialists.
is fitting for these part numbers
The with number R112-5266 can be used as a fitting replacement for several parts. The part numbers of these parts are: 94694 toro 112-5266.p>.
€223.46 * €270.39
€270.39 incl. VAT
- Free delivery*, from €450 / £385 (excl. VAT)
- Standard delivery, 1 - 2 working days
- Express delivery, within 24 hours
- Discounts, for companies
Product information "Shaft- long - rear roller"
Machine part R112-5266 is a from our big online parts assortment. In this assortment you will find non-original parts and fitting alternatives. Service is important to us so if you have any questions about a part or machine, you can always ask us for advice.
for Toro
Machine parts come in all kind of forms and sizes. Having a parts manual ready to check if the part you found truly fits your Toro machine is handy. This manual schematically shows which part goes where on the machine, with a handy list of all parts that are in there. Before the purchase, make sure the part number in the manual and our part number closely match. If there is a close match, it will be highly likely that it is a part that fits for the machine. If you have any questions about the part ask them to our parts specialists.
is fitting for these part numbers
The with number R112-5266 can be used as a fitting replacement for several parts. The part numbers of these parts are: 94694 toro 112-5266.p>.
Product number: | R112-5266 |
Manufacturer | R&R Products |
Replaces original
Toro: | 112-5266 |
Technical details
Suitable for brand: | Toro |
Suitable for machine: | Toro Groundsmaster 3500-D, Toro Groundsmaster 3500-G, Toro Groundsmaster 3505-D, Toro Groundsmaster 4500-D, Toro Groundsmaster 4700-D |
Product type: | Shafts |
Weight: | 1 kg |