Alloy machined side-eject tine - .375mt x 4.500l x .320od
Product number: | RMT4940 |
Manufacturer | R&R Products |
Replaces original
John Deere: | MT4940 |
R&R Products: | RTCU17452 |
Technical details
Wall thickness: | 1.2 mm |
Suitable for brand: | Toro |
Suitable for machine: | John Deere Aercore 800, John Deere Aercore 1000, John Deere Aercore 1500, John Deere Aercore 2000, Toro Greens Aerator, Toro ProCore 440, Toro ProCore 648, Toro ProCore 648s, Toro ProCore 660, Toro ProCore 864, Toro ProCore 880, Toro ProCore 1298 |
Inside diameter: | 5 mm |
Lengte: | 114 mm |
Type: | Alloy Machined Side-Eject |
Weight: | 1 kg |
Working depth: | 8.1 mm |
Machine part RMT4940 is a from our big online parts assortment. We sell not only original parts, but also fitting alternatives. Service is important to us so if you have any questions about a part or machine, you can always ask us for advice.
for Toro
No machine part is the same. Check the parts manual or machine manual of your Toro machine to confirm if the parts fits for it. This manual schematically shows which part goes where on the machine, with a handy list of all parts that are in there. Before you buy a part, it is best to check if the part number is similar with the part number that we have given to our part. There is a big chance the part fits for the machine if they do. If you have any questions at all about the product, ask our parts staff for advice.
is fitting for these part numbers
The RMT4940 is a fitting alternative for one or more other (original and non-original) parts. The part numbers of these parts are: 20287 9513123 tcu17452 rtcu17452 mt4940 john deere.
€10.46 * €12.66
€12.66 incl. VAT
- Free delivery*, from €450 / £385 (excl. VAT)
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Product information "Alloy machined side-eject tine - .375mt x 4.500l x .320od"
Machine part RMT4940 is a from our big online parts assortment. We sell not only original parts, but also fitting alternatives. Service is important to us so if you have any questions about a part or machine, you can always ask us for advice.
for Toro
No machine part is the same. Check the parts manual or machine manual of your Toro machine to confirm if the parts fits for it. This manual schematically shows which part goes where on the machine, with a handy list of all parts that are in there. Before you buy a part, it is best to check if the part number is similar with the part number that we have given to our part. There is a big chance the part fits for the machine if they do. If you have any questions at all about the product, ask our parts staff for advice.
is fitting for these part numbers
The RMT4940 is a fitting alternative for one or more other (original and non-original) parts. The part numbers of these parts are: 20287 9513123 tcu17452 rtcu17452 mt4940 john deere.
Product number: | RMT4940 |
Manufacturer | R&R Products |
Replaces original
John Deere: | MT4940 |
R&R Products: | RTCU17452 |
Technical details
Wall thickness: | 1.2 mm |
Suitable for brand: | Toro |
Suitable for machine: | John Deere Aercore 800, John Deere Aercore 1000, John Deere Aercore 1500, John Deere Aercore 2000, Toro Greens Aerator, Toro ProCore 440, Toro ProCore 648, Toro ProCore 648s, Toro ProCore 660, Toro ProCore 864, Toro ProCore 880, Toro ProCore 1298 |
Inside diameter: | 5 mm |
Lengte: | 114 mm |
Type: | Alloy Machined Side-Eject |
Weight: | 1 kg |
Working depth: | 8.1 mm |